
September 10, 2011

Invitation to my Friend's House

Once my friend invited me to their family get together party. All of his family members were present there. He introduced me with everyone.
I saw in his family there are 14 members and among them 5 are female members. But after coming my home I do not remember all of there name except some relations with them. I narrate these relation below.

I) A is the mother of N and grandmother of C and E.
II) J is a doctor and X is an engineer.
III) C and D are students and children of M.
IV) E is the daughter of P and a reporter.
V) X is an architect.
VI) F and D is niece of X.
VII) Y is daughter-in-law of I.
VIII) Only one female member of the family is teacher.
IX) N do not have any children.
X) Q have a family relation but do not have any blood relation with the family.

Now answer the questions

Q1. Who is a teacher?
A. A
B. D
C. F
D. None of these

Q2. A is grandmother of ……………………………
A. C
B. J
C. M
D. P

Q3. J is father of ………………………
A. P
B. A
C. E
D. F

Q4. X is the son of ………………….
A. I
B. E
C. F
D. C